Think the ten player stunt is just that...all he does is play the previous players move next on the following players board, and does it quickly so generally maintaining an advantage both psychological and tactical. Usually works thru probability...memory of last 2 moves all that is critical???
Hi Thomas, from my understanding Magnus really did remember all the moves. Compare it to memorizing the Gettysburg address. A headline might read "Genius memorizes fourteen thousand letters!" Of course, the person didn't memorize each and every letter. The letters are grouped together into words, and those words are grouped together into sentences. So the person really only has to remember ten sentences to reproduce 14,000 letters.
Chess works the same way. Magnus has studied so many games and spent so much time playing that he can chunk the moves together into 'words' and 'sentences.' Since he remembers the moves for his openings as automatically as we remember our phone number, he doesn't have to spend any time or mental energy recalling it. That leaves enough space in his mind to remember the different variations.
Think the ten player stunt is just that...all he does is play the previous players move next on the following players board, and does it quickly so generally maintaining an advantage both psychological and tactical. Usually works thru probability...memory of last 2 moves all that is critical???
Hi Thomas, from my understanding Magnus really did remember all the moves. Compare it to memorizing the Gettysburg address. A headline might read "Genius memorizes fourteen thousand letters!" Of course, the person didn't memorize each and every letter. The letters are grouped together into words, and those words are grouped together into sentences. So the person really only has to remember ten sentences to reproduce 14,000 letters.
Chess works the same way. Magnus has studied so many games and spent so much time playing that he can chunk the moves together into 'words' and 'sentences.' Since he remembers the moves for his openings as automatically as we remember our phone number, he doesn't have to spend any time or mental energy recalling it. That leaves enough space in his mind to remember the different variations.